Quality Assurance & Pharmacovigilance

The Quality Assurance and Pharmacovigilance Departments are the most important departments which the Company Management views as highly important. The Company management lent special attention to the Quality Assurance Department as it seeks to retain its position acquired over many years. In order to retain the Company's position among the pharmaceutical-manufacturing companies, Ard Al-Ganatain Company sought to adopt a system which meets the medical requirements in accordance with the highest standards approved by international pharmaceutical associations in conformity with the requirements of the Supreme Board of Drugs & Medical appliances in the Republic of Yemen including implementation of standards and criteria related to shipping, transporting , storage and distributing that approved by the manufacturing companies. Furthermore, Ard Al-Ganatain Company has fully complied with other laws and requirements concerning pharmaceutical industries in order to attain full customer satisfaction. Thus, applying standard procedures related to quality has prompted the Company to enhance the human capacities, and to rely on systems pertaining to importing and marketing pharmaceuticals, and also to lend support to the products through hiring the best scientific representatives and gaining approval for them on the part of pharmaceutical-manufacturing companies. It is our belief that quality is the responsibility of all employees of Ard Al-Ganatain Company.

However, the Company is seeking to activate and improve the Pharmacovigilance Department which warrants diligent follow-up and ongoing assessment of pharmaceuticals imported from the manufacturing companies which the Company represents after marketing and joint coordination with the Company and the Supreme Board of Drugs & Medical appliances. This is intended to find out the side effects through the feedback given by physicians, and to receive relevant notifications and send them to manufacturing companies in order to insure the greatest extent of drug safety and security against the pharmaceuticals marketed by the Company.